The foundation’s mission is to carry on the 

heritage  of the Myung Won to preserve, 

develop and promote Korean traditional 

tea culture  and the virtues of Korean tea.

 Myung Won traditional tea ceremony and humanistic education centers and graduate 

school educate and administer national 

tea ceremony & tea master certificate programs.

The foundation hosts K-Tea Festival, Korean tea package design contest, World Tea Forum, 

World Tea Expo and world tea culture events.

Tea Education

Tea Ceremony


The foundation’s mission is to carry on the heritage of the Myung Won to preserve, develop and promote Korean traditional tea culture and 

the virtues of Korean tea.

 Myung Won traditional tea ceremony and humanistic education centers and graduate school educate and administer national tea ceremony & tea master certificate programs.

The foundation hosts K-Tea Festival, Korean tea package design contest, World Tea Forum, World Tea Expo and world tea culture events.

 Tea Education

Tea Ceremony 


The Myung Won Cultural Foundation 


MyungWon Tea Cermony Academy  SeongBuk Dong, SeongBuk ku, 330-507, Seoul,136-020, Tel:82-2-742-7190 

Chong Ro Ku, Shin Mun Ro 2 Ka 1-272 Seoul Korea, 110-062, Tel:82-2-730-7191